In AccessOrientedProgramming, the fetching or storing of data causes user defined operations to be invoked - DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20141107
- Access-Oriented Programming for a Multiparadigm Environment - MarkStefik, DanielBobrow, KennethKahn - IntelligentSystemsLaboratory Xerox PaloAltoResearchCenter
... Annotated values, a reification of the notion of storage cell, are used to implement active values for procedural activation and properties for structural annotations. The implementation satisfies a number of criteria described for efficency of operation, and non-interference with respect to other paradigms of programming. The AccessOrientedProgrammingParadigm of programming has been integrated with the LoopsMultiParadigm knowledge programming system wich also provides ... for users :
- FunctionOriented paradigm
- ObjectOriented paradigm
- RuleOriented paradigm
Procedure are invoked in AccessOrientedProgramming when fetching or storing data
- there are Actions and Side-effects
- ''In AOP, when one object changes its data, a message may be sent as a side-effect