Notification Required In Certain Instances

last modified: November 7, 2014

When a central single locus exists for a certified artifact and when it might have been copied for LocalConceptPresence usage at various local sites, for reliability and accuracy concerns the local instances of the artifact must have accompanying assurance that the artifact is the latest copy of the Certified Central Artifact - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141107

Upon change of the Certified Central Artifact a centralized process of notification must be employed involving those who have made copies for local use: that the certification is no longer valid and that a new certified copy operation is required to ensure validation of the local artifact. This notification makes it necessary for the local site to pass notification along to users of the Certified copy artifact, that a new certified copy has been acquired and stored, and that user update procedures should be employed. The operation from Central locus through to the local users could employ ParallelProcessingAutomationTechniques.


