In a WikiModel
This feature would be implemented in a wiki to provide a more precise backward linking than that of page or site references in the familiar BackLink. It can and should one of the LinkPatterns in a WikiWithMoreThanPages. It would take as a pattern the PageAnchor concept, by providing a WikiName provision which includes something similar to the DottedPrefixExtension with at least one of the dots being a non a-zA-z character recognizable by the browser as a substitute for the dot. Examples might include @, # $ % ^ - _ as candidates, each having a different influence on how the WikiName is parsed to provide locale information.
From past utterances:
Forward looking is most valuable when considered in relation to Backward looks. It is what once appeared and was useful, now by enhancement and modification which then makes it operable in a way which is invisible, in that it requires no particular expertise or dexterity of the user, to use it. It has instead had its appearance or the knowledge of utilizing it, transparent. Sometimes it is activated by structure, other times by environment, and even by merely existing or residing in a container or in a context. -- DonaldNoyes.20110706