YAWN - YetAnotherWikiName
SubOf: ImplementationDetail on page BreadCrumbs creates
HomePage > WiKi > ImplementationDetail > BreadCrumbs
The very structured self-sitemapping relation-type wiki, created 2004-03-24.
With the YawnWiki one can build a page hierarchy by simply specifying the parent of a page (with SubOf: ParentPage within the wiki text). This hierarchy can then be embedded anywhere in the wiki to create a sitemap!
- Self-sitemapping: complete page hierarchy by merely specifying parents via SubOf: ParentPage
- resulting hierarchy output embedable anywhere with tag [&desc] or [&desc:AnothaPage]
- useful for a sitemap that lists all the "roots" of the wiki with their descendants/subpages
- BreadCrumbs, i.e. the path from the root/home-/frontpage to the current page
- this path gets displayed at the location where the user put the Sub'Of: ParentPage declaration on the wikipage
- BackLink: anywhere embedable with tag [&back]
- embed backlinks of other pages; tag [&back:AnothaPage]
- useful for eg a page listing available categories and their belonging pages
- RecentChanges showing diffs
- also syndicated as RSS
- Index of all pages, anywhere embedable with tag [&allpages]
- TextFormattingRules implemented using MarkDown plus CamelCase
- A GotoBar wiki page that renders above the title (to link to HomePage, RecentChanges, and the like)
- Uses a template.html (and template.rss)
- XHTML 1.0 Strict valid!
The lack of a Sitemap in wikis always frightened me :) What does usability guru JakobNielsen think of wikis? Well, hope you like my ideas on creating a hierarchy (or other relationships between pages)! With the aforementioned features you automatically get what proper usability needs, it shows you:
- Where you are (title, BreadCrumbs)
- Where you can go (GotoBar, SubPages/descendants, sisters/category, BackLinks, CamelCase)
- Where you have been? Well er, BrowserHistory, VisitedLinks - do we really need a trail?
Let's say, page WikiNames contains the string SubOf: HomePage
and the YetAnotherWikiName page contains the string SubOf: WikiNames
This will create the following hierarchy wherever the tag [&desc] is put on a page:
. WikiNames
. . YetAnotherWikiName
and on the YetAnotherWikiName page, the SubOf: WikiNames gets replaced with the parentchild path:
HomePage > WikiNames > YetAnotherWikiName
See also
CategoryWikiImplementation, CategoryWikiNavigation