Wiki Map

last modified: July 20, 2006

It is nice to have the visual tour, but for a faster browsing some simple but useful links could optionally defined in the head of each page. These would define simple relations to other wiki definition, the same way we used to use in our UML diagrams for example:

These relationships could be UsesThe, GeneralizesThe, SpecializesThe, replacesThe, IsUsedBy and so on.

As I mentioned, they would make browsing the Wiki pages in a more intuitive way, it would generate some order? At the end, based on these relations, different maps could be created based on a certain relationship.

Please tell your opinion. I do not want to be a revolutionizer, just want to bring my contribution.

-- MihalyElekes

Mihaly, The idea of relational tags sounds nice, can you provide some specific/worked examples to help illustrate your idea some more?

I provided some example above, but I will show something concrete with dummy pages. I hope it will nobody disturb. -- Mihaly

This is an interesting idea, Mihaly. You seem to be implementing predicate calculus in wiki form. -- EarleMartin

Earle: agree with you that Mihaly's idea idea of more formal tags/badges to map associations/relationships is intriguing. Can you explain "predicate calculus" in terms a database newbie can relate to? Tks! -- anon

Mihaly: were you thinking of mapping for content in general, e.g. any wiki on any subject, or for a specific project, e.g. project documentation etc. -- anon

Maybe some day we could extend the wiki server with a magical plug-in, that could generate UML like diagrams in form of bitmap based on the defined relationships.

Interesting concept, could someone construct such a map? One which exists without making changes to the surface of the objects being mapped. That is no edits or tags inserted on the pages being mapped. In the case of a changing landscape, as a wiki is a perfect example, such mapping must be performed every time a change occurs. Would anyone have the knowledge to build a Server (wiki engine) which would include such mapping and the interface to employ it.

I really did not think too much about this topic, but a superficial approach would be:

  1. The relationships would be defined as easy and freely as the concepts (page titles) themselves. For example IsA, UsesA, AggregatesA, ReplacesA, etc.

  2. The author of the page (and I think this is important) would be free to add such relationships on his page, linking his concept to others defined on other pages. Also, relationships could be added through comments as well. For example, GeorgeWashington IsA SoftwareEngineer (so, at the end, we can see how many people defined them as software engineers :) ), or EuropeanUnion IsA CountryFederation (so that people do not think that people do not think that the borders of Europe ends with those of the European union :) )

  3. The extension of the server, should be not linked at all in the server. This program would then parse the pages and look for the relationship. The rule (grammar) of discovering the relationships could be the sequence of three wiki definitions not separated by any other character but just spaces. This server extension (maybe server here is wrong, because this could be a simple client application) could work on another machine of course!

-- MihalyElekes

YetAnotherWikiName currently uses SubOf: ParentPage to define a hierarchical structure of wiki pages. You're welcome to mess around with it! -- DA

Moved from DummyCreationalPattern:****

DummyCreationalPattern SpecializesThe DesignPattern.

It is/(could be) used to generate WikiMap for more intuitive browsing and understanding of the content of wiki.

This is just to demonstrate my idea how WikiMap could work.

Please feel free to delete these pages if the idea is that bad. -- MihalyElekes

Moved from SpecializesThe:****

see DummyCreationalPattern for example.

It is/(could be) used to generate WikiMap for more intuitive browsing and understanding of the content of wiki.

This is just to demonstrate my idea how WikiMap could work.

Please feel free to delete these pages if the idea is that bad.

-- MihalyElekes

The idea may not be bad, but it isn't used here. See also GentlyReduceWikiBadges. I think this WalledGarden should be deleted, it is referenced/consists only of DummyCreationalPattern, IsUsedBy, MihalyElekes, PagesToCategorizeSs, SpecializesThe, VisualizeTheWiki and WikiMap.

See NotUsedHere

Moved from IsUsedBy:****

IsUsedBy SpecializesThe the AbstractRelationship

see DummyCreationalPattern for example.

It is/(could be) used to generate WikiMap for more intuitive browsing and understanding of the content of wiki.

This is just to demonstrate my idea how WikiMap could work.

Please feel free to delete these pages if the idea is that bad. -- MihalyElekes

Maybe some day we could extend the wiki server with a magical plug-in, that could generate UML like diagrams in form of bitmap based on the defined relationships. -- Mihaly Elekes

Moved from AbstractRelationship:****

An Abstract Relationship is any possible relationship between two entities.

Why is that an abstract relationship and not a relationship? What is abstract about it?

................. to be continued

Please feel free to delete these pages if the idea is that bad.

-- MihalyElekes
