Xp Help Wanted

last modified: August 26, 2011

(Wiki "want ads" section for ExtremeProgramming.)

XP "Help Wanted" -- a place to list companies that are looking for ExtremeProgramming talent.

See also XpJobs (Yahoo group)

See also XpPositionWanted, for people who want to practice the ExtremeProgramming discipline.

See CompaniesDoingXp (...which does not overlap with this 22list.)

See also JobListingServices.

[London, UK]

Posting 24 November 2005 - Resolver Systems is a software startup looking for developers to work on a new kind of desktop application. A deep interest in XP is essential, but experience isn't. More at http://www.resolversystems.com/jobs


Long shot: If you're an experienced agile developer interested in doing some extra project work in the evenings and on weekends, consider contacting us. We're just starting to put a team together to go after custom development projects. http://www.sourcecell.com Contact: KelleyHarris


Hurst (UK) http://www.hurstuk.com are a resource management company that specialises in XP recruitment across the UK. As far as we know, we're the only people doing it, at least that's what our customers tell us. We have opportunities across a range of sectors (banking, financial software, telecoms, new media) with a variety of clients who are all looking for agile candidates, and we are always happy to talk to new people about their prospects in the marketplace, both as clients and candidates.

We are also proud of our involvement in sponsoring the Thames Valley Agile Special Interest Group http://tvasig.port5.com as part of our commitment to the community.

You can call me on +44 (0)20 7588 9978. I am always happy to chat, or if you prefer you can e-mail your CV in confidence to t.marston@hurstuk.com.

Tim Marston - Hurst (UK) Ltd.

[Bristol, UK]


Our mission is simple: to deliver the next paradigm of software tools. If you're interested in programming languages and tools, and up for your next challenge, we'd love to hear from you.


[London, UK]


Workshare Technology is the market leader in document comparison and pioneers of real-time document collaboration software. Clients include blue chip corporates, the US government and most of the world?s largest law firms. The company?s portfolio of products employs web technologies, object databases, n-tier architecture, hard core C++ and elegant well-designed solutions. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and diversity of skills. Graduate candidates should have at least a 2.1 in a computer related subject, be creative and enjoy working with a team of equally dedicated people. An understanding and experience of component based development and either good front-end capabilities (dialog design (MFC/ATL), COM, DHTML/ASP, etc) or solid back end experience (DCOM, XML (SOAP), Design Patterns, OO Design, etc) are desired. We are using XP to manage our team of 30 developers and so are looking for people with XP experience or a willingness to learn and participate.


[Amsterdam (The Netherlands) & server-side Java]

The SoftwareImprovementGroup is very young, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based company building server-side Java applications toanalyze legacy Cobol code (this is actually great fun!). If you have a background in compilers, and are a Java XP enthusiast, please check us out at http://www.software-improvers.com

Thanks, ArieVanDeursen.

[Sydney, Australia]

At CommSecure (Sydney, Australia) we've got the testing, integration, pair programming, refactoring stuff, still working on the scheduling stuff. Linux/Python/web-database/bank-links work. mailto:jobs@commsecure.com.au -- GaryCapell

[Sydney, Australia]

Memetrics does ExtremeProgramming using CommonLisp. We develop a ChoiceModelling application. Read all about it on http://www.memetrics.com You can ask more details from mailto:alain.picard@memetrics.com


[Sydney, Australia]

Nullcube applies XP techniques to much of its software development. See the Jobs page at http://www.nullcube.com for details.


[Charlotte, NC]

Check out DoIt, we are always looking for good people. We have been developing server side components using ExtremeProgramming for more than 2 years. -- LarryDeane

[Cambridge, MA]

TechnologyStrategy is a small Cambridge, MA startup using XP techniques with Python and C++ on a (Linux) Beowulf cluster. --StephenNg mailto:sng@grossprofit.com

[Munich, Germany]

Meteor Communications (http://www.meteor.com) based in Munich, Germany is going for XP. We're developing a Java-based service platform. We're interested in middle-level to senior developers. Please contact mailto:tquas@meteor.com for details. -- ThomasQuas

[Penrith, Cumbria, UK]

Penrillian (http://www.penrillian.com) is a company doing C++ work for small machines (e.g. smart phones). We're looking for skilled developers who can use either or both those languages, and who are interested in working in an XP team - we've been using XP for 3 years. Any experience with a small-system OS, such as Symbian, would be welcomed. Penrith offers beautiful scenary and a superb quality of life. -- CharlesWeir.

[Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada]

Custom House (http://customhouse.com) is the biggest in North America currency exchange company and international payments provider. IT division develops its flagship applications on DotNet platform in C# using agile techniques and DomainDrivenDesign. It's not quite XP, but definitely is Agile. Anybody interested is welcome. Experience with financial applications would be a benefit. Please contact aaizikovsky@customhouse.com -- AlexAizikovsky

[Washington, DC, USA]

MyDCNet (http://mydcnet.blogspot.com) is a great place to find XP jobs and more in the Washington, DC area. Please contact myitrecruiter@yahoo.com -- MyITRecruiter

[Greater Boston (Lowell), MA,USA] Litle & Co (http://www.litle.com) is a credit card payments processor and payments intelligence service; our dev team is about 25-30 pairs, as many QA engineers, and we're still (as of August 2011) hiring. We are "as agile as possible" -- our code base is huge with many moving parts, and we make allowances for our 10+ hour test cycles. Resumes can be sent to hr_resumes@litle.com or through me (I'm the build engineer and can get the resume directly to the hiring manager) at rmandevi@litle.com --RobMandeville.
