(a.k.a. Michael Kelley Harris)
By day,
- Software developer and Agile & Lean Coach for SourceCell.
By night,
- Wannabe software entrepreneur, trying to condense 1000 marginal ideas into one good one.
- Student of software design & development, humbled by the breadth and depth of the field, resonating with the agile spirit of ExtremeHumility.
Many thanks owed to: WardCunningham, KentBeck, RobertCecilMartin, MartinFowler, RonJeffries, among many others.
- Work with a group of great developers, gelled as a synergistic team, using agile methods.
- Help grow a network of agile developers contributing to projects around the world.
- Meet more SantaBarbaraAgileDevelopers.
- Clone myself to attend more workshops at OOPSLA (OopsLa), XP Agile Universe (XpUniverse), etc.
- What is an alternative agile approach(s) to developing software for a company that has many products that could share things? Along the lines of SEI's work on Software Product Lines. ( http://www.sei.cmu.edu/productlines/index.html )
- Who has developed software product lines in an agile way? (Looking for examples, special considerations, ...)
- Who has developed a PluginArchitecture in an agile way? (Looking for examples, special considerations, ...)
- Who are the developers with the famous "10X productivity", and what strategies, patterns, and habits make them so productive? I keep hearing that some developers are "10X, 100X, or even 1000X more productive" than others. I'd like to meet some of these people, and ask them what strategies, patterns, and habits make them so productive. Who are some of these people? ... See evolving discussion at DevelopersWithHighProductivityTenxHundredxThousandx
- What is the state of the art for ModelDrivenDevelopmentOfDataAcquisitionAndControlSystems, and could it be applied to atomic-force microscopes?
- What acceptance/system testing frameworks are working well on large C++ programs that are largely monolithic?
- How do agile/XP architects really coordinate efforts involving 20+ developers?
- What are some good examples of very thin MFC GUI's, delegating calls to a testable programatic interface?
- Who are some of the world's best architects for large C++ data-acquisition and control systems?
- What are the best links/books for principles of object-oriented design and really understanding objects? (Some responses moved to: PrinciplesOfObjectOrientedDesign, See also: DefinitionsForOo, CouplingAndCohesion)
- It's still a little gray to me the distinction between some of the principles, some of the patterns, and some of the heuristics a la ArthurRiel. (Ex. To me, DependencyInversion seems almost like a pattern.)
- How does DependencyInversion work in component-based systems? If there are multiple components that are clients of a server component, does each client define an interface that the server multiply inherits? Is it possible to package the server for reuse independent of its clients, and still isolate clients from changes to the server? Via Adapters? Who owns/specifies the adapters?
Resources I Find Helpful
- WardCunninghamWritingsVideosEtc
- Principles of design per RobertCecilMartin, http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrinciplesOfObjectOrientedDesign
- Who Needs an Architect?, by MartinFowler, http://www.martinfowler.com/ieeeSoftware/whoNeedsArchitect.pdf
- MartinFowler articles: http://www.martinfowler.com/articles.html
- ObjectMentor articles: http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/articleIndex
- Artima Weblogs: http://www.artima.com/weblogs/index.jsp
- The Wisdom of Blogs. http://www.blogger.com/knowledge/2004/07/wisdom-of-blogs.pyra
- Test Driven Development in C/C++ by Robert Koss and JeffLangr, (Automated testing for C) http://www.cuj.com/documents/s=8008/cuj0210koss/
Interesting videos:
- WardCunninghamWritingsVideosEtc
- Microsoft's Channel 9 video list http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=14
- Pat Helland - What is a service oriented architecture (SOA)? http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2325
- Jim Newkirk - Tell us about NUnit http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=7862
- Bill Hill - Windows is not the most important OS http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=114
Wiki pages started:
- AgileLessonsFromTheSei
- DevelopersWithHighProductivityTenxHundredxThousandx
- JavaCom and JavaToCom (Microsoft COM)
- PluginArchitecture (pattern)
- PluginArchitectures (examples)
- RewardWard
- SantaBarbaraAgileDevelopers
- SoftwareDesignPatternsIndex
- ModelDrivenDevelopment
- ModelDrivenDevelopmentOfDataAcquisitionAndControlSystems
- SpikeProblem (aka SpikeUserStory)
- TwoKeyboards
- WardStories
- WardsWisdom