A place to put information on agile software development in Santa Barbara California, and the neighboring area. (At least Santa Barbara and Ventura county.) Includes topics of ExtremeProgramming, PrinciplesOfObjectOrientedDesign, DesignPatterns, TestDrivenDevelopment, etc.
Agile-minded developers in the Santa Barbara area:
- HalArnold
- DaveFayram (close by)
- StephanieLockwoodChilds
- KelleyHarris
- PatrickEgan
Mailing list (in simple copy & paste form)
halarnold2000@yahoo.com, kharris@sourcecell.com
Santa Barbara Resources:
- SBLUG - Santa Barbara Linux Users Group. http://www.sblug.com Several of the people in that group are developers who are interested in agile methodologies.
- SourceCell - Custom software via small cells of agile developers.
Companies using agile methods, to varying degrees:
- Commission Junction
- Lockheed Martin
- Veeco Instruments
Open Questions:
- Is there enough interest in Santa Barbara to bring in some big names for workshops or courses? For example, would 10-20 people be interested in a course on Adv OOD w/ Patterns by RobertMartin of ObjectMentor? How about if it was hosted by UCLA extension? If so, contact KelleyHarris.
- Are there enough people to form an agile/XP users group in Santa Barbara? If you include Lompoc, Santa Maria, etc, then yes. - Lompoc and Santa Maria, etc, are fine!
- What is the best way to complement XpSouthernCalifornia, and not compete?
- UCSB may also be a very good resource to tap, can we leverage any resources there?
The AgileJournal is a publication of CMC Media right here in SB. I think I might persuade our Editor in Chief Liz Barnett to come out for a day sometime in 2007. Brad Appleton might also be interested in participating he is the author of a book on Patterns and is one of our columnists. -- PatrickEgan
Ideas for possible learning projects:
- Organize workshops and courses. (XP, TDD, Advanced OOD, Patterns, etc.)
- Work together on an open-source project. (ex Fit, FitNesse, CppUnit, etc.)
- Occasionally work on side projects together to improve agile skills.
Regional Resources:
- XpSouthernCalifornia - XP users Group centered in Fullerton.
- Agile Logic -- http://www.agilelogic.com Training, Mentoring, Development
- AgileJournal -- http://www.agilejournal.com