[From XpPositionWanted and XpHelpWanted.]
Placement services -- a resource for people looking for jobs. (...or jobs looking for people. ;-)
- http://www.egroups.com/group/xp-jobs (mailing list)
- http://www.geekfinder.com
- http://www.dice.com
- http://www.hotjobs.com
- http://monster.com/
Searching for jobs at http://www.geekfinder.com containing the phrase "extreme programming" in all US states posted in the last 30 days:
- July 16th, 2000
- 40
- January 27th, 2001
- 97 (Read the job descriptions; most are extreme programming, but not all. Some just have both words in them, like "must be able to work under extreme stress, and do programming on rare occasion." ;-) Lots of California jobs; most listings seem to be on East and West coast. (I tell ya', the midwest (Saint Louis, Missouri) is always years behind the times -- zero hits; not even a false positive. ;-)
- July 2nd, 2002
- 10 :(
- October 3rd, 2002
- 14 (Use quotes around the phrase "extreme programming" to avoid examples like those above - without quotes there were 17 jobs)
- January 22nd, 2003
- 13
- May 18th, 2003
- 39 (A few of which were duplicate jobs, via different agencies)
- April 8th, 2004
- 47
- September 2nd, 2004
- 71 Hurrah! Good times are back?
Has anyone had experiences, positive or negative, with online job search sites, positive or negative?
I've been a user of DICE since its pre-internet, dial-up days, and lately I've been getting severely annoyed at some of their stratagems for dealing with low job volumes. It seems they "bump" the dates on stale listings to bring them into the "today" category, and their profiles feature, which used to be useful for extraction of listings by keyword, has been broadened out to the point of uselessness. (I liked it a lot better when you could download all the jobs for a particular area code, as a zipped text file; I could then slice-and-dice locally to my heart's content. Too geeky? Not, I think, in view of its target audience -- or what used to be its target audience.