The wild world of WikiPages linked with WikiLinks is an open wiki which covers all different kinds of topics.
It's completely open to anybody and anything with just a really basic set of rules.
Several of the projects on it are:
SwitchWiki - a public wiki for public wikis (through a list and categorization)
GeekMarks - links to stuff for geeks on the net
JunitAddonsRunner - documentation for the JUnit-addons Runner
CommRightsForum - planning and development of the campaign for Communication Rights
ForesightExchange - documentation for the "game" set up by Ken Kittlitz (FutureExchangeInvesting, ForesightExchangeClaimCreation) and discussion of Hanson's idea of "future exchanges" in general.
InternetSicherheit - Wie bewege ich mich sicher im Internet?
Now that Wiki is becoming very popular, I hope it is time to promote more than ever a brand new WWW, not the WorldWideWeb, the WorldWideWiki. How ? Simple. With ExternalWikiLinks, to make InterWiki ubiquitous.