Wiki Reference Desk

last modified: June 23, 2003

Since no one person knows the Wiki (NobodyReadsEveryPage), and there are lots of pages around, maybe it'd be useful to have a page where people could ask about page concepts and see if there's already an existing page. Maybe we could call this the WikiReferenceDesk.

One problem with this approach is that the most useful likely target audience will be missed. Another is that when an answer is found, it will probably be left here on this page indefinitely. It seems more useful to ask the question on the nearest page that appears to be relevant (still with an AnswerMe tag if you like). WikiIsaReferenceDesk.

Is there already a page that deals with the question of how do we educate all the newbies we're getting about BasicWikiPhilosophy? Not pages for Wiki newbies, but pages about Wiki newbies.

As this WikiGnome understands it, the seeker desires pages that discuss the betterment of newbies. Why do this when one can write a WikiPage that betters newbies? In any case, this WikiGnome knows of no such page.

Dear WikiLibrarian,

Is there any page here that contrasts the forces that small programming teams are subjected to with those of large programming teams? There are lots of pages like XpMayNotScale, which deals specifically with XP, but I'm wondering if there's some more XP-agnostic that just deals with programming team size regardless of methodology.

Some say that LargeScaleEqualsFailure, while others ruminate on MethodologiesAndScale.

Any pages talking about how UnitTests should be viewed as an essential part of ProductionCode?

See UnitTestsAreProductionCode.
