Wiki Page Layout

last modified: March 29, 2012

Description - Over time, various forces have worked to shape the way Wiki pages are typically laid out. Different people attribute greater and lesser importance to various forces of course and there is variation from page to page in what is important. As a result, each page has its own unique feel. There is, however, a general pattern that seems to get followed with some regularity. Here is a variation on that pattern that was popular in April of the year 2003, along with brief descriptions of the forces that shaped it:


Category Positioning

A lot of people consider CategoryTopics to be low in signal. Some would like to be rid of them entirely. By convention, they are put at the bottom of the page. As far as I can tell, this convention goes back to their invention. SeeAlso is usually found at the bottom as well, while "from" are usually at the top since they provide needed context. There are other labels that I'd be tempted to put at the top of the page: ProtoPattern, for instance, to indicate that what follows is an invented solution written up in pattern form. I'm in the "categories are low signal" crowd. Categories are useful mostly because of ReverseLinkEnabled. The fact that you can navigate from one page to others like it by clicking on its category and then clicking on the title of the category page more than justifies the WikiBadge at the bottom of the page. -- PhilGoodwin

[later] Oh. Wait, I get it. Double lines constitute a "bottom" for the signal don't they. So putting something at the "bottom" of a page is slightly ambiguous. Okay, categories go at the bottom of the bottom. But "See also" seem to go at the bottom of the top. -- pg


The page begins with this Logo (Originated by WardCunningham - see MoreAboutTheLogo.)

Wiki pages take several forms depending on what they try to present.

Most pages have an introductory paragraph which is composed at the page's introduction and is generally retained at that position to preserve the history of the page. It is sometimes signed by the introducer with HomePage name.

Pages describing patterns are usually based on one of these templates:

Pages which consist of questions and answers are written in FaqMode.

Pages containing dialogue also have an alternating form where different unsigned contributors alternate between different cases (normal, italic, bold, etc). See DialogMode.

Sometimes the dialogue is refactored into sections in which a subtopic is identified by Emphasizing by Bold Characters on the first line of the subsection. For an example, see ItDepends.

SeeAlso subsections appear on many pages, referring to related pages. If it's important that some related page links are seen by readers before they have read the page (in particular, if the related pages are alternatives to the current page such as translations), then a SeeAlso subsection would ideally appear just below a short opening page summary. In most cases, though, a SeeAlso subsection appears near the bottom of a page. See below for an example.

A category subsection appears on many pages, as the last editable element of a page. See below for an example.

The final section which is presented on each page by the WikiEngine:

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Hyperlinks in this final section:

See SummariesOnTopDiscussionBelow

CategoryWikiMaintenance ValuablePage
