Summaries On Top Discussion Below

last modified: June 3, 2002

Write an OpeningStatement in DocumentMode at the top of the page and use it to explain the meaning of the page. Be as factual and informative as possible. Prefer to use one of the PatternForms as appropriate.

Use ThreadMode at the bottom in order to discuss the topic of the page. Prefer to answer ThreadMode questions by adding factual information to the DocumentMode and deleting the question from the discussion. Prefer to add informational content to the OpeningStatement (use ThereforeBut to include conflicting information) and keep opinions in the discussion section. Separate discussion threads and title them using bold headings in order to keep them organized. Reserve outright deletion for removing graffiti, redundancy, trivia and abuse.

See also: TentativeSummary WikiPageLayout

[CategoryWiki] [CategoryWikiMaintenance]
