WikiWikiWeb has been around for a long, long time. Productivity Award winner in Web Sites and Developer Networks category of "Software Development Magazine" (see We deserve a pat on the back!
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Jan, 2007: JimmyWales blasts Microsoft for paying people to change information about the firm in Wikipedia
Nov, 2006: "The office of U.S. intelligence czar John Negroponte announced Intellipedia, which allows intelligence analysts and other officials to collaboratively add and edit content on the government's classified Intelink Web much like its more famous namesake on the World Wide Web."
"Wikiality", a word invented(?) by Stephen Colbert, of "The Colbert Report" named one of the top TV buzzwords of 2006. Aug 28, 2006.
- article by Darryl K. Taft, March 20, 2006, Father of Wiki Speaks Out on Community and Collaborative Development,1895,1939982,00.asp
- See related: for MP3 audio interview and slides
Slashdot: Other Uses for Wiki Software? EditHint: this link suited better to another page?
"Wiki" makes Global Language Monitor's list of Top 10 Word for 2005.
Hurricane Katrina: Cisco use wiki to help and GoogleNews reported it (indirectly). See
CNET ( Getting real about wikimania Charles Cooper interviews Joe Kraus (who started the Excite search engine Google).
- "I think all technologies go through the typical hype cycle. There will be a point at which wikis are perceived as good for absolutely nothing and then they will find their natural rhythm and become a staple in the way that people manage and collaborate."
- "One of the key things about wikis is that they evolve. They don't just start. They don't BeginWithTheEndInMind. They just begin, and you can change them over time. ... The difference between a user, a reader and a writer is very small. Also, they integrate really well."
Yahoo Agile Program manager job advertised with "Wiki" listed as number 1 skill (May05). See
(2005Apr?) JonUdell made available a 8 minute demo of WikiPedia in action to show collaboration. Very well done piece quoted in a lot of places. See at
Orbis Technology ranked as one of ten best intranet of 2004, in recognition of its success with WikiAsIntranet approach. See
"Blogs and Wikis" at
Newsdotcom report of WikiNews at
InfoWorld 20050103 Page0038 JohnUdell "Year of the Enterprise Wiki" - Mentions Ward and the emergence of Wiki used for Collaboration in the workplace.
TechNewsWorld: November 30, 2004 "Open-Source News? Wiki Builds a New Kind of Journalism" by John P. Mello Jr.
- Article About: "While on its face the Wiki model sounds more likely to produce trustworthy information than a blog, the facelessness of Wikis give some observers pause. "With blogs, over time you can figure out who you can trust," said Dan Kennedy, media critic for the Boston Phoenix. "With the Wikipedia, you don't know who's contributing to it."
InfoWorld: November 15, 2004 "Wiki Goes to Work"
- ''CtoConnection -- ChadDickerson
- Article about "... how Wiki can provide a collaborative staging area for solving IT problems"
InfoWorld: November 5, 2004 "Is Wiki under your radar"
- ''CtoConnection -- ChadDickerson
- Article about TWiki, history and mention of setting it up.
BusinessWeek again: Champion a Wiki World Mostly about SocialText and Ross Mayfield.
EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 5 (September/October 2004): pp. 36-48. "Wide Open Spaces: Wikis, Ready or Not" by Brian Lamb
- Emphasis on academic uses of wiki.
AssociatedPress article on Wiki passed to many sources end Sep04
PC Magazine's SocialText Workspace Review (,4149,1401130,00.asp) is also a good information for other popular Wiki software.
Busness Week and
The Guardian G2 magazine in Britain printed an article about the WikiWikiWeb on 01/04/2004, this was no April fool.
The BBC World program ClickOnline featured the WikiWikiWeb on 2004-03-18 and mentioned the problem of abuse. You can view the clip, at the end of the episode (at 18:15), with RealPlayer,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer article on WardCunningham's move to Microsoft, the wiki he has created, etc.:
For a comprehensive overview of wiki, with many references to WikiWikiWeb, see DavidMattison's "QuickiWiki, Swiki, TWiki, ZWiki and the Plone Wars: Wiki as PIM and Collaborative Content Tool" in the April 2003 issue of Searcher magazine (
Exploring with wiki - an inteview:
There is a very favourable article about WikiWiki in the German "iX magazin": see There was yet another article in the c't magazine 02/03 ( on page 176 but it's not yet available on the Web (it may be out in 2 or 3 months).
Cult website dashdowncrawl printed a report on the wikiwikiweb on 27/01/2004 []
Amazon guru and generally interesting internet personality thinks wikis are cool -- (BrokenLink 2005-05-17)
Sebastian Rupley, Senior Editor of PC Magazine, interviews WardCunningham about wiki and blogs. (9 May 2003) [,3048,a=41446,00.asp] BrokenLink 20101115
About how an outsider view wiki, teams, and consensus:
Making the best of a wiki the WriteTheWeb interview of Simon Michael by Giles Turnbull on 23 Jan 2001. Article discusses and Simon's dealing with vandals there. [ (BrokenLink 2005-05-17)]
Wiki was linked to by MichaelSwaine in a DrDobbsJournal article in Jan99. The article is mostly about trashing the JavaLanguage for SmallTalk. []
The NewYorkTimes Sunday Magazine Sunday 9 Dec 2001 did a special on "Important Ideas of the Year" and mentioned the WikiPedia. -- CharlesShapiro
Story on copyleft mentions WikiPedia and its roots here. (2002) []
National Public Radio's show "All Things Considered" carried a story on wikis in their July 21, 2003 edition. For audio, go to []
The December 30, 2003 issue of PcMagazine has an article entitled "Take Back the Net", with a fairly large section on wikis. It speaks more about RunningYourOwnWiki, but there are lots of references to WardCunningham and gives the WikiWikiWeb URL.
The July 8-15 issue of Time Out New York profiled the new New York city wiki, NYWiki [], in an article titled "Wiki cool" (article not online).
Date unknown, probably early 2003 author of OReilly book on RelaxNg gave credit to WardsWiki for the collaborative creation of his book at
- Wiki In Plain English -- You Tube -- short (less than 4 minutes) explanation of what a wiki is -- example
- How 4 people might use a wiki insted of email to Coordinate a camping trip
Well, not news exactly. This excerpt is from a UK weekly net-news roundup mailing list called NeedToKnow, dated 20 November 1998:
Tim Berners-Lee, [TimBernersLee] as we recall, is always moaning about how
the Web was *supposed* to be annotatable - it should be as
easy to add and edit Web documents, he says, as it is to
browse them. To see what kind of mess that would have lead
to, you might like to check out the WIKI WIKI WEB, an easy
to set-up, easy-to-understand, impossible-to-administrate
"collaborative environment". In many ways, it's a
self-perpetuating mess (it took us half an hour to work out
how to get the source), but - like the Xanadu project it
superficially resembles - it can't help but gland a few key
geek hormones. The original Wiki is a tiny Perl script, but
versions now exist in Python, Squeak, and other places where
geeks do the Right Thing so much it becomes Wrong Again.
- start here, we guess
- aha! found it
What do you think? fair commentary?
-- DavidMcNicol
Not exactly, but if you're a regular reader of NeedToKnow, then you know that the editors Danny and Dave know a lot about blogging/online life/cyber-rights and weird snack foods (respectively), and rather less about the nitty-gritty of technology, so you take their opinion with a pinch of salt.
CNN recently had an article on WikiPedia. See ImminentDeathOfWikiPredicted for more.
German language resources:
Kleinz, Torsten: Schreibrecht für alle! Mit Wikis Sites gemeinschaftlich betreuen. In: c't 2/2003. p. 176 ff.
Huhmann, Jochem: Schnell, schnell: Content Management für Eilige. In: iX 10/2002. p. 84 ff.
Müller, Erik: Das Web, wie es hätte sein sollen. In: Telepolis 30.01.2002. []
Müller, Erik: Das Wiki-Prinzip: Tanz der Gehirne Teil 1. In: Telepolis 09.05.2003. []
Müller, Erik: Alle gegen Brockhaus: Tanz der Gehirne: Teil 2. In: Telepolis 16.05.2003. []
Müller, Erik: Diderots Traumtagebuch: Tanz der Gehirne, Teil 3. In: Telepolis 23.05.2003. []
Müller, Erik: Diesen Artikel bearbeiten: Tanz der Gehirne: Teil 4. In: Telepolis 30.05.2003. []
Haussner, Stephanie: Was ist ein Wiki? Mediatut-Workshop am 10.01.2003. []
Puls, Christoph; Bongulielmi, Luca & Henseler, Patrick: Leitfaden für den Aufbau einer unternehmensinternen Wissensbasis mit Hilfe von Wiki. ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zentrum für Produktentwicklung, 2002. []
-- ChristianKohl, Nov 07,2003
And link to the Polish magazine, the title is: cooperation against the rules []
-- MD Jan 12,2004
Thank you for mentioning my article in Polish magazine. It is published also in Feb 2004 paper issue of this magazine.
-- AG May 18,2004
August 2006: CrazyMoneyForWikiDotCom
Added WikiNewsDiscussion to reroute some traffic on this page to the discussion page.
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