Google News

last modified: December 5, 2004

GoogleNews is a search engine that searches many participant news sites for the latest news based on key word searches. I use it to look for news related web pages with up-to-date information (created in the past ?couple years).

The advantage of using GoogleNews ( instead of the regular GoogleSearch is that I would not be getting pages that are created 5 years ago (e.g. search for Xml). And it is therefore very useful for beginners in a fast changing technical area, since it only returns news related websites that are recent.

Disadvantage of using GoogleNews is that the News facility does not have as wide coverage as the main GoogleSearch, and that because it is a beta users cannot count on its availability, nor consistency of behaviour over time.

Not to be confused with GoogleGroups, which used to be DejaNews.

Example in late 2004

While doing a search on "SP2 patch" activex

See also GoogleNewsMetric
