GoogleNews is a search engine that searches many participant news sites for the latest news based on key word searches. I use it to look for news related web pages with up-to-date information (created in the past ?couple years).
- Use this for GoogleNews Advanced search (removed by Google in Nov2004) ->
The advantage of using GoogleNews ( instead of the regular GoogleSearch is that I would not be getting pages that are created 5 years ago (e.g. search for Xml). And it is therefore very useful for beginners in a fast changing technical area, since it only returns news related websites that are recent.
- BeginnersMind can not diffrentiate which is out-dated vs current relevant information.
Disadvantage of using GoogleNews is that the News facility does not have as wide coverage as the main GoogleSearch, and that because it is a beta users cannot count on its availability, nor consistency of behaviour over time.
Not to be confused with GoogleGroups, which used to be DejaNews.
Example in late 2004
While doing a search on "SP2 patch" activex
- GoogleNews comes up with 1 item, an article titled "How to Break Windows..."
- GoogleSearch has 616 items, but did not show the one listed in GoogleNews (from addict3d...) unless it is asked to repeat search and include omitted items
- The GoogleSearch came up with this interesting reference to that is dated June2004, which is absent from GoogleNews
See also GoogleNewsMetric