Wiki News Discussion

last modified: February 20, 2005

This page is made subjugated to WikiInTheNews so as to leave the main page less cluttered.

I have started this page because I have been spending a bit of time on WardsWiki lately (early 2004), and therefore have an interest to ascertain whether Wiki's concept of InformationManagement is appropriate for use within a large Commercial or Government organization.

If you would like to add discussions to a new story, please put these in a separate section, for a different WikiInTheNews item, and have the sections arranged in chronological order, latest item at top. Thanks and let's see how it works.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Jan2004 article Ward was quoted as saying '... community of protectors grow (over time)...'. My experience seem to suggest the community of people wanting to delete pages, even those containing comments by other members of community, is growing too. So which grows faster?

My experience is that the 'community' of people wanting to create trivial pages bearing their name is growing the fastest. The intent here should not be to create pages or to amass text, but to capture information. (And there is a difference between data and information.) Please, write freely when you have something useful to contribute, but don't write for writing's sake. Reasoned discussion carries so much more information than classifications or lists, which are necessarily one-dimensional and cannot illuminate the subtleties. Please don't mass-create classes of pages that you think are missing. Add pages one at a time, as needed. The Wiki will evolve.

