This page is in DocumentMode since 10/2014. The DiscussionPage about it is here: WikiConceptDiscussion
The whole idea of wiki, what it means, does, stands for, what is specific for wiki etc....
Commented list of pages about WikiConcepts
- AccountlessUserIdentification Editing a wiki without creating an account.
- AssumeGoodFaith about intentions while encountering some edit one does not like.
- BackLink HelpPage explaining how BackLink**'s work on this wiki.
- CommunityBuilding on or off a wiki.
- FrontPage Homepage of the Wiki itself.
- HomePage a personal space on a wiki.
- IpEditing editing a wiki without prior login to an account.
- IpEditingOnly a wiki that does not support accounts.
- NotOnThisWiki a list with features intentionally not implemented on this wiki.
- PurposeOfThisWiki An open invitation to everyone to give their opinion of what this wiki should be.
- TalkPage to turn a wiki page in a MailBox.
- TheWikiWay A book about wiki technology
- WardsWiki Compact name for this original Wiki
- WhyWikiWorks We all use Wiki, so we all try to maintain it in a usable state
- WikiDesignPrinciples The design principles WardCunningham sought to satisfy with the first release of Wiki.
- WikiEssence another compilation of WikiConcepts
- WikiPages Script showing graphically the growth of Wiki
- WikiStyle about how simple formatting influences
- WhatsaWiki Ward Cunningham interviewed in PC Magazine issue May 9th 2003.
CategoryWikiConcept CategoryWiki