WardsWiki is the first in a huge family of wiki variations. As the prototypical wiki, it is missing a lot of features supported by HyperTextMarkupLanguage and other more modern wikis such as MediaWiki. Most of the omissions are intentional WikiDesignPrinciples.
- Headers
- Custom fonts
- Text color and background color
- Other markup, like strikeout and underline
- PageAnchors
- FreeLinks
- WikiTables
- HtmlTables
- Raw HTML (see WhyDoesntWikiDoHtml)
- InterWikiMap (but there is a small collection of SisterSites instead)
- CascadingStyleSheets
- WikiStyleSheet
- Background images
- File upload
- Templates
- VersionControlAppliedToWiki (except for the last few edits)
- VisualEditors
- ChangeManagementAppliedToWiki
- WikiModerationWithPasswords
- SectionEditing
- WikiRedirect
- WikiNamespaces (e.g. talk pages)
- PageHierarchy and SubPage
CategoryWiki CategoryWikiConcept CategoryWikiEditing