Question: solely through LikePages, what's the fastest that you can get to a target site from here?
Post number and route below.
- Target 1 is CategoryCategory (3)
- Target 2 is RecentChangesJunkie (3)
- Target 3 is MathQuizOne (4)
- Target 4 is RuleOfThumb (6)
- Target 5 is AlanKay (4)
- Target 6 is MicroCosm (6)
- Target 1 in 3 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => CategoryGame => CategoryCategory
- Target 3 in 4 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiWiki => MathWiki => MathQuizOne
Why is MathWiki not in the LikePages of this page?
- It doesn't share an initial word or a final word.
- Target 2 in 4 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiChange => RecentChanges => RecentChangesJunkie
- Target 2 in 3 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiJunkie => RecentChangesJunkie
- Target 4 in 6 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiWiki => WardsWiki => WardsTalkAtXpImmersionTwo => RuleOfSeventyTwo => RuleOfThumb
- Target 5 in 4 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiEngine => AlansWikiEngine => AlanKay
- Target 6 in 6 moves -- WikiBrowseGame => WikiBrowser => RefactoringBrowser => RefactoringIteration => MicroIteration => MicroCosm
All roads lead to Wiki. Pages beginning with Wiki are inherently easier. Try doing any of these targets from AmericanCulturalAssumption and post routes below.
- Target 2 in 5 moves -- AmericanCulturalAssumption => TheAmericanWay => TheWikiWay => WikiJunkie => RecentChangesJunkie
So you can add two to the original this way? If we want a more challenging WikiBrowseGame, see below.
Further challenges ...
Find the two pages whose shortest LikePages journey is longer than any other pair. Longest trek posted below wins, but anyone may dispute it by posting a shorter route. Making up page strings to try to get a long wiki trip is cheating.
Find the longest LikePages journey between RecentChanges and RecentEdits without visiting any page twice. (Go through every like page in the longer column, then move on. Repeat ad nauseum. Or do we require alternating between the left and right columns?)
The following link returns 1MB of plain text listing every wiki page along with the canonicalized first and last words.
Here is a sample from the output that includes this page ...
Wiki Borg WikiBorg
Wiki Bridge WikiBridge
Wiki Game WikiBrowseGame
Wiki Browser WikiBrowser
Wiki Problem WikiBrowserProblems
Wiki Bug WikiBugs
Wiki Butcher WikiButcher
Wiki Cafe WikiCafe
Wiki Case WikiCase
Wiki Categorie WikiCategories
I've created this as an aid to exploring the "likePages" space. Please let us know what you discover. -- WardCunningham
See SixDegreesOfWikiWiki, WikiMines