Wiki At Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred And Seventy Two

last modified: February 11, 2004

WikiAtNineteenThousandNineHundredAndSeventyTwo is in response to WikiAtTwentyThousand.

Why is it that people are obsessed with round numbers?

See TheSecretLivesOfNumbers.

Why did we celebrate the millennium a year early? Is it because most of the people who understood why it was a year early were sufficiently comfortable with numbers not to have an irrational preference for round ones?

Any why does 25 seem to be considered rounder than 30?

Are you saying anything is a reason for a party, or that nothing is? Or that "round" numbers are a particularly inane one, perhaps?

Let's celebrate good things, whether it is page one, or page 20462.

The significance of WikiAtTwentyThousand is that of an enthusiastic "newcomer" to the ranks of those who post pages to this wiki. Let us not diminish his or anyone's right to feel good about a particular achievement. Any worthwhile accomplishment is reason to party, and your observations with regard to "round number obsession" is worthy of note as well. Note our currency - it is in round numbers, 1 dollar is 100 cents, etc. People usually invest in increments of 100 shares. It is perhaps a quest for patterns of orderliness. Why not celebrate the new year on August 2nd? A year has been completed. The fact is that people do celebrate what they consider to be significant moments in their lives. A first, fifth, tenth, twenty-fifth, fiftieth anniversary marks reasons for celebration, The point is this, that when at least one person has reason to think that it is a cause to celebrate, let celebrations occur!

I will join with you and whoever else wants to join us in a toast to Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Two!! May that page and you and I live long and prosper.!!

I too join in with the celebration of the 19972th WikiPage. Even though this is not the only reason to party, this surely is a very special number too: It is the only number with 5 digits where two 9s are following a 1 which again are followed by a 7 and then a 2! Incidentally, if you leave out one of the 9s, you get my year of birth. What a great number! -- MarkoSchulz

If you subtract the last two digits from the first three, you will get 127 which is binary 1111111. Another reason to party!

There is only one round number - zero. Sorry, but it had to be said :)

There's only one round number, but there are many rounded numbers. In fact the only ones that are not rounded are 1, 4 and 7. Three of them, in other words, but approximately five if you round, which is about half. And half of something round is not round, unless you round it some more, in which case you lose more and it's not half. See you 'round.

Any multiple of 10 is important because we have 10 fingers.

The Law Of Fives:

All things happen in Fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of Five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5.

The Law of Fives is never wrong. -- Principia Discordia

20031205: Currently Page 19972 is: SmalltalkFaq
