The majority of the pages on this wiki are in English. Here are some of the reasons:
- Wiki was created in the United States where the predominant language is English.
- The language is understood in most parts of the world, and is in many cases the second if not the first language used for computing, science and technology.
- Wiki attempts to be universal in appeal, and uses the language with the most universal usage, which at present seems to be English.
- While pages exist in several languages including Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, to name a few, users are encouraged to write in a language which nearly all of the participants can become involved.
- When a page is written in a foreign language, translation utilities do not do justice to the meaning of the page, and as a result the page can not have maximum impact.
- Nobody has presented a good argument for any specific alternative language.
- Everyone's computer has the simple ASCII characters needed for writing English.
Pages on programming in languages other than English:
What is English related to:
Where are foreign languages translated (to English):
Where Other Languages are used:
- ChristopheDucamp
- LesPleiades
- MontrealXpCoachingPresentation
- MontrealXpMockObjectsPresentation
- PourquoiWikiMarche
- UnMinutoItalianoWiki
- WikiEnUneMinute
- WikiTranslator
English is spoken of on these WikiPages:
- AmericanCulturalAssumption
- AmericanEnglish
- AngloSaxonLanguage
- BritishCulturalAssumption
- CategoryNaturalLanguage
- CulturallyNeutralLanguage
- DuttonSpeedWords
- EnglishLanguage
- EstonianLanguage
- FrenchLanguage
- FrisianLanguage
- GenderNeutralLanguage
- HowWouldLojbanEnableAi
- KlingonLanguage
- LojbanLanguage
- LojbanPoem
- LojbanicJars
- MalGlico
- MicrosoftEnglish
- NearEmptyPage
- ProperEnglish
- PurityOfEnglish
- RefactorEnglish
- SimplifiedEnglish
- RulesOfLojban
- WeniWidiWiki
- WikiNamePluralProblem
- WordOrder
- YouCanImproveMyEnglish