YouCanImproveMyEnglish on any future PageTranslation.
After the WebLog, covered wiki by StephanieBooth.
Continuation of the adventures on AutransWiki, CommunityWiki, CraoWiki, FractalWiki, IgeneratorWiki, MeatballWiki, OverCrowded and BliKi to think about a WikiSchool project.
Contact: christophe AT
Note to BlueYonder: Your edits are turning the accented e's (� and �) into unrecognized characters in Firefox under Linux and both Firefox and IE under Windows XP. (translation eliminated them 20140930)
- With encoding set to Unicode (UTF-8) or what? Compare WikiEnUneMinute, for example, which has to be definitive.
- Both are equally munged in every browser I've tried. What browser are you using and what settings?
- I am using latest IE6 (MS Windows XP), and encoding Western European (Windows) - both pages are readable for me. However, they do not display correctly using a very old browser, no matter what encoding is set, which is very strange. Other pages, such as PhilippeLhoste, require the Western European (Windows) encoding to display properly.
- Curious. Using your configuration, or using the latest Firefox, instead of accented e's I see Chinese characters. Anyone else experiencing this, or is my box borked?
- My encoding can change by itself to Unicode (UTF-8) even though "auto select" is unchecked. You may need to reselect Western European (Windows) encoding (which will also refresh the page).
- The explanation is that currently the server is providing "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" header info for each Wiki page, and the browser selects Unicode (UTF-8) on the basis of that (unless you respecify the encoding after displaying the page). It would seem that a change has been made on the server, but I've no idea whether it was intentional. The change is specific to Wiki; WikiBase pages are still served with "charset=iso-8859-1" in the header. There are signs that Ward made some changes recently (which were probably supposed not to affect readers).