Here is another perspective on the creation or adding of new Wiki pages.
Since pages are WhyWikiWorks, pages should be created whenever one:
has relevant information to share with the WikiCommunity, particularly if a suitable name for the page is listed by the WantedPages script.
when elaboration of a point on an existing page has a divergence which creates the need for a separate page
- The TestForSameness is often non-trivial. It requires intelligence (of which the average WikiZen has ample, happily). It also requires some form of reverse index, e.g. familiarity with enough of the other content to find a match, or else the time and effort with a slightly blunter tool such as LikePages or WikiWalking.
introduces a new topic to get community feedback and dialogue, preferably with a PromptingStatement
has something to contribute to a suggested Wiki page, denoted by a DanglingLink on an existing page
comes across matters external to the Wiki which will be of interest and links to it (but see discussion on ShortWikiPages)
Sometimes it may be better to refrain from creating a page, such as when:
the content is very short (e.g., a URL) and would only be linked from one other page. Put the content directly into the linking page.
you can't think of a page name. This may indicate that your thoughts haven't gelled enough to create the page.
WhenToCreatePages is deterministic, and addresses the notion of when based on the what of the page. It presents the opposite of the deterministic page WhenToDeletePages.
Everyone can contribute: A first step toward developing that commitment is to confirm and accept that you, like every one else, have islands of brilliance and can find them if you are determined to do so.