Wiki Walking

last modified: September 25, 2013

[From WalkingTheWiki]

The Wiki is a Way. We are Walking The Wiki, not surfing it.

Surfing implies being carried by some sort of imperative, unknowable force. The waves are marvels of physics, and have a volition of their own, unfathomable by human minds (without much preparation.)

The Wiki is something that carries you, just as waves do, but unlike the waves, it is unlikely to dash you onto the rocks unless you set yourself a course there. You're in control, I'm in control, we're all in control. You don't even have to take control, because how can you take something you already have?

Still, it's procrastination all the same.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Or WikiSurfing?

