Websphere Application Server

last modified: March 21, 2004

i need to have Websphere for running J2EE applications .. i am comfortable with English ..

You can use any JavaTwoEnterpriseEdition app server. I am comfortable on my couch.

Are there examples of BigBlue customers switching off (or on the verge of doing so) BigIron in favor of WebsphereApplicationServer or other alternatives?

I have been hearing stories about CFOs considering downsizing mainframes but have not seen any written articles?

Please provide link if you see related material --dl

I doubt you'll find anything like that, considering that we (IBM) heavily promote running WebSphere application Server on zOS (e.g. the mainframe operating system). The hardware is immaterial. If you need 5 9's availability, then zSeries hardware is good. If you want cheaper hardware costs, then go to Intel or Power-PC based hardware... --KyleBrown

OK, how about from BigIron to MicrosoftDotNet or LampEnterpriseSolutions? Reason for this question is our organisation has had a policy to retire BigIron, now started into DotNet. New substantial applications are being architected in DotNet, and also there is intention for ERP solution to go use midrange servers (now still DB2) at some time in future.

Can not imagine we are the only organisation doing these experiments, just interested to know whether some companies have actually gone through the halfway point to ridding itself of mainframe.

Will move this discussion to BigIron once more views / information has been collected. Again, any links? -- dl
