Web Application Design

last modified: November 9, 2005

Note 2004 this page extended to include matters not necessarily related to JavaPlatform

How should we design good Web applications?

In ServletDesign a few people advocate ModelViewController. Should this pattern be applied to Web applications generally?

-- FabianLeGayBrereton

I don't really see the applicability of ModelViewController to Web applications. I can see the attraction in separating the view from the model, but that's about it. I certainly don't see any need for ObserverPattern, CompositePattern, StrategyPattern or any of the other patterns associated with ModelViewController. I'm probably missing something. Perhaps it's particularly useful in relation to ServletDesign, which I'm not familiar with.

My experience with Web applications has been in the MicrosoftWay. I use the FacadePattern. I have a script for each of the functional areas of the Web site, this is where the HTML lives. Each script interacts with the model through a facade.

-- FabianLeGayBrereton

I see the applicability of ModelViewController. It's one reason why I started JavaServerFoundationClasses. -- TimTaylor ("ToolMan")

Perhaps your experience has not been wide enough. For example, I have seen the StrategyPattern applied in a Web application just recently. We needed to be able to format a page in either HTML or plain text. A perfect example of a strategy! Also, we foresaw the need to format the page in XML in the future -- another strategy!

With regard to the ModelViewController pattern -- the notion of ServletDesign (especially when combined with JSPs) is greatly different from the MicrosoftWay. In this architecture (promoted by Sun and IBM):

After more Wiki, I now am thoroughly confused about whether I should have used PresentationAbstractionControl terminology.

-- KyleBrown

This discussion helped a lot. I was trying to figure out where M, V, and C were in my MicrosoftFrontPage pages. Thanks!

WikiPages on WebApplicationDesign specifics

These include:

WebApplicationDesign resources

Forums where web design people gather, share, discuss, trade and form communities. Add your forums to the below list and let us grow together!

See http://virtualschool.edu/wap for downloadable software and articles about WAP, the Web application architecture described in the May 2001 Dr. Dobbs' Journal article. -- BradCox

See also WebsitePatterns, WebFormMethodologies

