Un American

last modified: November 14, 2004


Why is there no equivalent in other countries; the phase UnBritish means nothing!

Because, per that WebSite, the USA is full of lame goobers who think their airhead prattle is somehow defiant or unique or rebellious just because it superficially appears to disagree with our government's airhead prattle. -- PhlIp

There's no equivalent because Americans have an OLD democratic process, and there is an underlying current of "If it's law, we as a nation/state/town have made it so." There is much disagreement but no rebellion - much crime, as well, but only self-interested crime.

While the word unAmerican is found in use, it is not alone - Found on Google are:

12 references to unSpanish
31 references to unItalian
31 references to unFrench 
    165 references to unBritish
    170 references to unCanadian
    860 references to unAustralian
  2,270 references to "un Australian"
 11,800 references to unAmerican
 49,900 references to "un American"

It should be noted that the meaning of UnBritish is very different from that of UnAmerican, often having positive connotations.

The term comes from the "House Committee on UnAmerican Activities", a bogus ColdWar WitchHunt that defined the career of SenatorJosephMcCarthy. The committee harassed honest citizens, punished them without trial, and generally did un-American things.
