A web site is an HTTP host that responds to HTTP requests, usually with HTML content.
Some opinions about web sites:
A WebSite may have a combination of original information and links to other pages and Sites. Any WebSite will be at its most useful if its originators and its maintainers employ the following three principles:
- Careful Thought
- about what it is to contain as well as to whom it is addressed
- Determination
- to complete expressions and navigation so that a visitor will be able to find information quickly and easily and to ensure that it is well organized. It is not a trivial task to do this
- to allocate the time, resources and manpower to complete construction and maintenance in a timely manner.
- Attention
- in ensuring that additions and modifications preserve the sites integrity, accuracy, relevance and appeal and to ensure that there are no unpursuable links.
- to feedback from visitors by metrics gathered by observing how the site is used, where users visit, as well as by what they have to say in provided feedback mechanisms such a email and responses to interactive questionaires and forms provided to gather impressions and comments from the very people for which the WebSite exists.
For more about what Websites are and should contain, see WebsitePatterns.
On the other hand, websites do have their dark side. A large industry exists creating sites that are intended to skew the results of SearchEngines, either to trick you into visiting another site or possibly even attempt to install MalWare on your computer.