Thelop Programming

last modified: September 1, 2001

This is a page intended for describing and discussing practical aspects of using the ThelopLanguage in software projects. -- HelmutLeitner


How is TheLOP applicable (or even of interest) to the general programming world?

It seems to me that a project would have to maintain a large "dictionary" that defines all the allowable "words" (acronyms seems the better description of the code I've seen so far) and their meanings. In any sizeable project in which there are a large number of concepts -- objects, methods, classes etc. -- this data dictionary will become huge and take a long time to learn.

How can new programmers get up to speed with LOP code without constantly flipping through the project dictionary every time they want to create a new function?

How can you be sure that multiple programmers do not use the same names for different concepts without bogging them down in bureaucracy?

Basically, how does LOP scale beyond a single programmer?

What is the largest team that you have worked on who used LOP?

(Copied from ThelopLanguage, asked by NatPryce, slightly rephrased)

In particular I'd be interested in a LopCaseStudy that describes how LOP affects the analysis and design phases of a project. + How are domain concepts modelled using LOP, and how are they mapped to implementation constructs?

How is the vocabulary documented and enforced?

How is code from different sources integrated -- what if they have different vocabularies?

How are multiple programmers coordinated to build a LOP language and maintain the consistency of the LopVocabulary?

I'd be interested in concrete measurements of how much overhead is involved in creating and maintaining the vocabulary and how it affects new team-members who are brought into the project after the vocabulary has been built up.

New programmers rarely design APIs

What is your definition of API? Does this imply that LOP only applies to external interface design and not internal method calls? All programmers should be defining lots of method calls, i.e. follow some of the basic refactoring principles and keep each function short and to the point. Does this mean LOP does not apply within a program?

See also: LanguageOrientedProgramming, ThelopLanguage, ThelopLanguageFaq

