If It Works It Is Ok

last modified: September 22, 2006

A principle that is in common use, especially when software projects are under extreme pressure. A top priority IfItWorksItIsOk kills any ideas about good programming style or good design.

IfItWorksItIsOk is more understandable and justifiable than WorseIsBetter, but the results are the same.

See also (if you dislike IIWIIO): DoItRightTheFirstTime, LanguageOrientedProgramming

It is interesting that some say that 80% of Software Projects fail. Could be an attitude which elevates "good design" and purity of some devised "programming style" to the extreme that it threatens the emergence of functionality ensuring that existing status of a product meets the tests devised to show that "ItWorks". DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork is one of the mantras of ExtremeProgramming and part of what makes a project produce "working code" every step of the development process. "ItWorks" is not the only test of an executable, but it must be considered as one of the most important tests. It is the ultimate measure in evolutionary progress of a product toward its final successful release. -- DonaldNoyes

