Discussion about the Use of WikiTags - DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20141218
- Q: What is a WikiTag?
- A: It is in its simplest form a WikiWord placed somewhere in a WikiPage to identify the page as one of many pages having some common characteristic. It usually exists, not to link you to a page, but to identify the group of pages (found by BackLinks) indicated by the tag.
- A few Examples:
- CategoryCategory (Category by name)
- EditHint
- EditingThisPage
- HomePage
- Q: Does every page have a WikiTag?
- A: At least one - the PageName
- A: On some but not all pages
- WikiTag indicating a concept included or involved in the page ( usually explained in the WikiTag name page - click to go there )
- WikiTag indicating a process or work the page is undergoing or work that need to be done to it.
- EditHint
- DeletedUnlessDefended
- DeleteWhenRead
- WeNeedExamples
- NearEmptyPage
- AreYouThere
- To those who have come recently to this wiki, most of the people who have made named contributions to the wiki are no longer reading it regularly, or at all. So asking them questions will not be useful. Those who are around now may be able to help you. -- JohnFletcher
WikiTag not to be confused with the "type tag" discussions (TagFreeTypingRoadMap). replace with and delete this page
CategoryQuestions CategoryDiscussion