Strategic Planning is a formal methodology that a corporation uses to decide where and how to invest its time and resources. Several patterns exist for Strategic Planning.
<This is a work in progress... I will add some of these patterns and I invite readers to do the same>
This is also TheViewFromSeventyMilesUp.
I include StrategicPlanning in this Wiki to give you perspective... sometimes programmers question, for example, why a project was cancelled after a couple years of futility. It was part of the strategic plan. Sometimes a SystemAnalyst wonders why it seems like a ConstantUphillBattle to get anything done. Again, a side effect of the Strategic Plan. Strategic Planning is what a company does to determine how it is going to spend its resources and its employees' time. Most often this is conducted in secret by the senior management, as the decisions from this process are often not in the best interest of the employees.
A BusinessSystemsAnalyst may sometimes be involved in implementing a Strategic Plan by way of guiding projects through an IT department.
During the lifecycle of a company, it faces various competitive pressures. At the same time, it finds itself in a field that gradually moves from leading edge to maturity. The leftmost column lists the maturity of a company's product or services, the rightmost column lists its competitive position within the industry. Draw a line between the two columns - where the line intersects the middle column gives you an overall strategy for the company:
Development Build Top Company
Growth Maintain Contender
Competitive Adjustment Harvest Struggling
Maturity Divest
This is, of course, oversimplified, and indeed a company may find that it is a Contender in certain geographic areas and Struggling in others. But you get the general picture. The main point being that there is nothing that requires the management to Build the company - they may well be interested in the residual value of the company's assets.
-- JeffChapman
Ensuring Success - the domain of BPM
StrategicPlanning often involves the application of ScenarioPlanning to develop alternate environments where the companies concerned may wish to have predeveloped BusinessModels. BusinessProcessManagement (BPM) provides the StrategicManagement tools to ensuring there exist a suitable pathway to the new BusinessModel.
StrategicManagement goes further than StrategicPlanning by developing capability and expertise in ChangeManagement.
I include the following quote from
- "continually adjusting competitive strategy, organizational structure, and modus operandi as the marketplace demands"
See Some examples of processes and success stories at
Decades ago, there were classic examples where deployment of clever technology resulted in competitive advantage for a long time, e.g. American Hospital Supply, American Airlines.
Over the years, as technologies change and deployment become more affordable, the competitive edge offered by being first is very limited, but the risk of staying at bleeding edge changed little.
M. Porter have analysed many cases and arrived at the conclusion that in order to have lasting edge, the organization must have additional factors in its favor. One of these is "fit" or "alignment" between various processes and activities the firm undertakes.
Porter has a widely used Five Forces model for an organization to assess its own position in the marketplace. These are:
- rivalry within the industry
- entry barriers
- buying power of consumers
- supplier power
- substitute products
An example of good alignment of its own processes and philosophies is TheToyotaWay, which is said to be complemented by traditional cultural customs practiced in Japan. Apparently from the book there is a successful FordProductionSystem. There are also discussions of other companies attempting to transplant Toyota processes without much success.
Example of a Realtime Strategic Change process at
ComplexityManagement aspects
Stafford Beer, who authored a 1979 book titled "The Heart of Enterprise", laid the foundations of a discipline called Management Cybernetics. His GeneralSystemsTheory oriented BusinessModeling method is called ViableSystemsModeling. In the 2006 Metaphorum conference, a submission was made applying this method and POSD (related to IDEF) together, towards the case study for a UK Probation Service. (see paper v3.doc ). This has interesting perspectives as I am searching for material that links up StrategicPlanning and BusinessProcessManagement.
Gartner analyst is said to confirm the arrival of UtilityComputing in May06. Quoted by Nick Carr, the following was mentioned at the blog.
- " ... (the current scene will) accelerate the number of organizations who conclude "this is a commodity and I don't need you to do it."
If IT is being commoditized, perhaps EnterpriseArchitecture does not matter much any more. A revised BusinessModel (for the organization) will need to be developed to ensure the IT support activities are properly placed.
When it becomes an organization-determined priority to apply ChangeManagement processes to implementing the new IT paradigm, be it UtilityComputing or another form, there may even be a surge in resource and funding for IT related activities. At the moment, it appears the bulk of the companies are on the sidelines, waiting for the others to make a move.
Strategic Planning is a formal methodology... [From initial sentence on this page]
Could anyone provide a reference of strategic planning as a formal methodology?
Managing Business Performance at covers a range of related topics, including aspects of BusinessProcessManagement, CorporatePerformanceManagement, ScenarioPlanning, etc. The material is "friendly" to vendors product offering, but the contents have high quality.
Graphics on strategies
CategoryManagement CategoryEnterpriseComputingConcerns CategoryPlanning