Let's see, what are some of the SmallTalk-isms out there (Improvements at http://ward.c2.fed.wiki.org/smug-smalltalk-weenie.html):
StaticTyping is evil.
- You stupid non-Smalltalk types can't even get that right! It's phrased "StrongTyping is for weak minds." (See StaticTyping for this particular argument.)
- But any SmugSmalltalkWeenie can tell you that Smalltalk is StronglyTyped.
Most ObjectOriented ideas came from Smalltalk.
Everything good was invented at XeroxParc.
- And subsequently made profitable elsewhere. See XeroxCorporation
If it isn't Smalltalk it isn't ObjectOriented.
- AlanKay says so. Though BertrandMeyer or GuidoVanRossum might beg to differ.
- (Of course AlanKay doesn't really say that. I assume this is a funny joke.)
WindowsTwoThousand and Smalltalk-80.
PureObjectOriented language.
When you are testing a condition, you're REALLY just sending a message to true or false... [SmalltalkMessageRules]
Adding extra features to a language makes it worse. -- KenAuer, paraphrased
The website http://www.smalltalk.org/ has a section called "Quotes on Smalltalk". It contains eight quotes, some from various notables (and a few anonymous ones). TWO of the quotes are about Smalltalk. FOUR of them are slams on CeeCeePlusPlus (including the "nailing ExtraLegsOntoAdog to make an octopus" crack). One is a quote from LinusTorvalds that has nothing to do with ProgrammingLanguages (but which appears to be an observation that the best technology doesn't always win... implying guess what?) The final is an out-of-context quote from BjarneStroustrup.
I like SmalltalkLanguage. It's a cool language. But it's in a tight race with LispLanguage as to which language has the smugger weenies. -- ScottJohnson
OK, let's have a list of the SmugSmalltalkWeenies here on WardsWiki. (Please only put yourself down on the list; it might be considered rude to write someone else's name here.)
SmugSmalltalkWeenies who get paid (including occasional work) to use Smalltalk:
- I'm a ReformedWeenie. Now I'm studying http://boost.org/. Really. -- WardCunningham
- Ah! Leadership by example! -- PeterKwangjunSuk
SmugSmalltalkWeenies who use Smalltalk in their spare time, but whose job involves a LesserProgrammingLanguage:
- I also use LispLanguage (well, SchemeLanguage) in my spare time. I'm a double wanna-be weenie. -- KeithBraithwaite
- I too also use Scheme in my spare time. In fact, I'm trying to use Scheme to write a ScriptingLanguage with Smalltalk-ish syntax. -- JasonArhart
- Hi, I'm a random moron wasting your time on Ward's wiki. My name is CaseyRansberger, and while I don't have fun all the time, when I do, I do it with a Squeak VM. I also <3 LISP. So there. I have brought balance to the forceā¦ er, wiki. I'll also say that ScottJohnson is onto something with his comment above.
Folks who want to become SmugSmalltalkWeenies, but haven't learned the language (or are mere beginners):
- I've been lurking here for a while. I've been intrigued by all of the talk of Smalltalk on Wiki, and looked into some SmalltalkTutorials, but I haven't actually written anything in it yet. It looks extremely interesting, and I like the syntax a great deal - I'm still working on understanding things like MetaObject. -- DavidWatson
Folks who don't give a hoot about Smalltalk (AntiSmugSmalltalkWeenie):
I visited http://www.smalltalk.org . Bravo for them, to have implemented a portal server in smalltalk! There's mud in yer eye, for everyone who says it isn't a serious commercial language! -- PaulMurray
See Also: RealObjectOrientedProgrammers, SmugLispWeenie, CategoryWeenie