Schedule The Deal

last modified: June 16, 2001

Part of the NegotiatingPatternLanguage.

There are times when what you're selling is in short supply or when buyers are plentiful. Then there are other times when buyers are hard to find.


Schedule a sale for when you know there are short supplies or plentiful buyers. Schedule a purchase for when you know the sellers have a hard time finding a buyer.


Buy a new car from the previous model year just before the following model year is released (ie a 1998 model bought just before the 2000 model is released). You can also get a good deal by finding out when the dealer's fiscal year ends (for purposes of next year's allocation) and buying on the last day.

Is there anything less vacuous to this than BuyLowSellHigh?

ScheduleTheDeal is part of the NegotiatingPatternLanguage, just as the definite article is part of the English language. You may find the definite article vacuous. I find it handy.
