Negotiating Pattern Language

last modified: October 5, 2007

Negotiating is an art, and so depends a lot on context and mindset. Still these are patterns that many feel are tried and true:

And, for relevant GameTheory:

You could also read GettingToYes. Arguably the best book on negotiation ever. -- JohnBrewer

"Arguably"? :-)

You should also take a look at StartWithNo by Jim Camp. It is my opinion that Start With No is better. -- StephanBranczyk

Fundamentals of Negotiation is an excellent quick summary of the area, and good to scan before setting out.

If you're negotiating about your salary, how do you know if you're being underpaid relative to the market? See SalarySurvey.

If you never had to break a negotiation because you refused an offer, it means that on average you're being underpaid. Many employers make hundreds of low-ball offers for a position, just to see if someone is desperate enough not to refuse their offers.

Many employers make hundreds of low-ball offers for a position They do? I've never worked for one. The saving would be outweighed by having to do hundreds more interviews.

A negotiating pattern that I have been a part of is, masses of people involved in the process, helps you win. Is there writing on this one? -- MarkDilley

Because it had little to do with negotiating and much more to do with employment, I moved ThinkTwoJobsAhead to CategoryEmployment.

CategoryNegotiation CategoryRoadmap
