In java, a RuntimeException, or a class derived from it, is an UncheckedException, one which you may throw without declaring it in the throws clause of the method's signature.
I interpret RuntimeException to mean "a coding defect was detected at runtime". This can occur when you are writing explicit bug-detection code, like with an assert statement. It can also occur when you are forced into handling a condition that should never occur, such as when you handle an exception that should never be thrown or implement a method that should never be called.
In the case of an exception that should never be thrown, I tend to wrap the exception in a RuntimeException, perhaps with the message "should never be thrown". Maybe there should be a subclass of RuntimeException explicitly for this purpose. (IllegalExceptionException?)
I also use RuntimeExceptions for the default case of a switch statement if there is no better way of handling it.
RuntimeException includes more than coding defects. SecurityException, for example, is a RuntimeException. -- EricHodges
CategoryTime | CategoryException | CategoryJava