Real Life

last modified: October 25, 2014

RealLife is where our laughter is heard.

RealLife is what happens when your computer crashes -- s

That painful, annoying, boring, awful place that the sane spend most of their time trying to escape. Then there are those of it who get caught and are beaten into submission.

Describe RealLife here.

I'd rather not... That reminds me of this bit in TheMoonIsaHarshMistress (RobertHeinlein) where Manny greets newly self-aware computer Mike with "Hey Mike, what do you know", and the machine responds with "In the beginning there was emptiness..."

RealLife is that big, high-res, high-color screen saver behind all the windows. But never mind, it doesn't have a thing to do with us programmers anyway. -- FalkBruegmann

RealLife = Apparent Reality - Subjective Perception. Off the top of my head anyway, but don't hold me to that. -- CorryHarper

The stuff that happens out in the BigBlueRoom. You know, the one that Marketing and Sales seem to spend all their time in. Management goes there quite a bit, too. -- EdGrimm

Real -
Not artificial
Life -
An animating and shaping force

There's an argument to be made that nothing is real. And nothing to get hung about. Strawberry fields forever. But the technology of clay and water gives rise to the biology of algae and amoebae. Biological forces refine these beasts until they start to invent new technologies. Biology and technology ceaselessly give rise to one another. Real life then is a myth; the blue room and the blue screen are inextricably ensorceled.

And yet there's that feeling of having one's face pressed against the gears. Most of us recall a time when we didn't just sit and type, but played and ran and lay in the long grass like tigers. We miss that, hunched over these keyboards in our darkened cubicles. Wasn't that the real stuff? Isn't that why we do this? The weekend barbeque, the wine-smoked dinner with friends, the occasional pool-party where we schmooze with future employers and employees ... that's not the same thing, is it?

Perhaps when we're old and too faded to make the grade any more, when the ceaseless one-upmanship of marketing and tinkering finally passes us by, we hope, we'll lay in the long grass again. But like tigers? Perhaps real life is something only children can truly enjoy.

Then again, who says you have to grow up? If you can drop the facade of earnest endeavor and throw yourself down a beach, you're a kid then. Taxes and mortgages have no power over you. Development? What development? -- PeterMerel

RealLife is what you experience every time you recognize that you have a choice, no matter how small, and exercise it for what you value. It could be as simple as smiling at someone. -- MichaelFeathers

Last weekend there was a huge flotilla of geese on the lake behind my house. They cruised around, trying to look important. Sometimes they would fly off somewhere and then come soaring back in in a flock and do that half-land-half-crash thing they do. A Great Blue Heron was walking around the neighbor's dock, spearing down and grabbing something from under the water every now and then. Squirrels came to the bird feeder and stole seeds. We even had snow on the deck for a while. -- RonJeffries

Certainly sounds like RealLife to me. Except for the geese. Where I live (Atlanta), the Canada geese "migrate" in the fall. Several times a day they take flight and fly in a big circle in the classic V formation and land where they started. Actually, on second thought, they are each living their own RealLife in spite of what I or anyone else thinks they ought to do! -- KielHodges

RealLife is experiencing things versus rationalizing them. When you experience things, life is moving forward into the future. When you interrupt that sense of experiencing things as they come - you are pushing them into the past, no matter how unquantifiably short the present moment actually is. And as you say, it's all illusory anyhow. -- AnthonyLander

The present is as much illusion as the past. Think about it; the real moment is a Planck moment, so vanishingly fleet that you can't experience it. "Now" is the process of memory and anticipation, which can be grown or shrunk as you like, consuming years or decades on either side of what you're sensing. Ignoring this is zen, sure, but no more real than anything else.

For programmers, RealLife can refer to programming done at work, rather than to programming done for fun or education. As in, "I enjoy playing around with ForthLanguage and RubyLanguage in my spare time, but in RealLife I do everything in CeePlusPlus." Or "The formal relational model is powerful, but in RealLife most programmers treat a relational database as a fancy sort of flat-file system." Or "That process model looks good on paper, but would never work in RealLife."

Real Life is the intersection of whatever makes you "you" with the things that are not you, particularly those things agreed to exist by "you" and the other participants in the "game". It follows that any set of circumstances wherein you have no intersect isn't "real life" to you. It also follows that "real life" (being the intersection of two or more sets) can be arbitrarily small or large in scope. -- GarryHamilton

**real life:**that endless blur of interaction, cause and effect experienced between our birth and our death, that in moments of melancholy or loneliness we see as a disjointed montage. This montage although self-realising and personally important, is of no real consequence in the overall scheme of things. -- BenMinton

"You wake up dead to find yourself in a place, where hope is is just a word and not a phrase, to everyone and anyone but you." "Take the time to wonder why, you only live while your alive, if nothing else just spare yourself, the wasted nights alone." -- JoseJuarez

RealLife is not a game! Whenever someone says "This is not a game!", that signals that it is a RealLife here-and-now situation. Whenever someone says, "It's only a game!", that signals that the situation should be regarded as outside of RealLife. -- JohnReynoldsTheStudent

I know that "life is what happens when you're busy making plans"... (John Lennon)

Sometimes you can see what something is by looking at what it's not: RealLife is not:

Multiple universes, "nothing is real", etc, make for interesting novel plots, but as serious consideration? I say ShowMe the evidence. The evidence points to RealLife. -- BrucePennington

A counterpoint to VirtualReality:

See Also BigRoom, GetaLife, RealWorld, LifeIsaBigMessyGraph

