I work as a developer for a buzzword-compliant Internet startup called VerticalOne (Java, EnterpriseJavaBeans, XML).
I was previously at Bass Hotels & Resorts. Projects there included:
- Data-moving and -massaging applications written in Perl.
- Supporting a hotel inspection system written in PowerBuilder.
- Changes and fixes to an association membership system written in VB (was VB3, now VB 5 with a little Java thrown in).
- A batch script scheduler for Windows NT (and Unix, in theory) written in Java.
That experience taught me that:
- Perl is OK.
- Java is really cool.
- PowerBuilder is pretty lame.
- VisualBasic is terrible and should be wiped from the face of the earth. YMMV :->
Over the years, I've also wound my way through PL/I, lots of assembler, C, C++, Rexx, Forth and several others. Recently I've been learning a bit of Smalltalk, though I don't have an immediate application for it. It brought back fond memories of working in a truly interactive programming environment. Great!
Besides computers and software, my interests include BirdWatching, TaiChi, ConversationalTopology and my family.
I can be contacted at:
Hi Kiel, I made a small change to your code at YouReallyArentGonnaNeedThis I think this most effective
try {
}, catch (InternalError e) {
throw new InternalError();
see WikiNamePluralProblem to read more about ThisWayOfEditting