Raph Levien

last modified: December 22, 2006

I'm the person behind AdvoGato, uhm http://www.advogato.org/, and am a junkie for collaborative Web environments. This one looks interesting as hell! I found it from MartinPool's page. (Hey Raph!) Hi!

AdvoGato is not my only thing, far from it. Most of my time these days is doing 2D graphics. I'm the author of the LibArt graphics library, do quite a bit of coding on Eazel's Nautilus. Right now, I'm implementing the PDF 1.4 blend modes into GhostScript.

I'm too busy with work and family right now to have much time for my hobbies, but hope that will change soon. Those include archival bookbinding, photography, sexuality, ScienceFiction, yoga (although it's been a while since I've had a daily practice), collecting books in and about exotic alphabets, etc.

When I came to this wiki, I thought it was basically about ExtremeProgramming. Yet, in MissingWikiBeforeXp, I see that many hope that discussion will broaden. I am intrigued enough with Wiki to consider 'moving in'. How much interest is there in discussing some of these other topics?

Ralph, I am interested in talking with you. I am trying to write a wiki, and am weak on RegularExpressions. I saw your re page, and it led me to your home page. The 'persons' link on the AdvoGato site is not working. -- KirkBailey

Update 22 Dec 2006: Wow, this is a blast from the past. Judging from what I wrote above, it sounds like six and a half years ago. I'm still doing 2d graphics, and still interested in collaborative web environments. I've tried to stay on the wagon, but now find myself implementing something rather wiki-like for http://ghilbert.org/ . I hope Kirk got his regex stuff working :) -- RaphLevien

