Kirk Bailey

last modified: February 7, 2007

Kirk Bailey, recent wiki convert; software smith, hobbyist, grumpy middle age heretic at large. Inventor of Tiny List, currently working on writing his own wiki in python, called wikinehesa (talksnake), and one for windows called Mini Wiki. Alas, now I discover we have a name conflict. However, the other MiniWiki team appears to not care; ???... I await their pleasure.


Tiny List and other python software:

You can email him at whenever you like.

You can witness the work thus far at:

The windows wiki is not online, as Critter speaks FreeBSD.

Here is a url to examine the guts of the actual script, thanks to a soft ln link. (beware long lines)

but feel free to write.

-- KirkBailey

I can't leave well enough alone. I wanted one on my windows pc on my desk at home, for offline use. Mr Steve Holden wrote a small server in python, in his book Python Web Programming I grabbed it, wrote a few letters to him about what I was doing, and got it working. BE ADVISED there is a typo in both servers in his book, but you can download the corrected one from his website - or download Miniwiki from MY website, for it is shipped with a corrected copy. Actually, he wrote 2 cgi server scripts - one is threading, and good for more than 1000 hits an hour. I then got to work writing a wiki optimized to work in a windows environment. It is finished, and working on my desktop now. The download is available for it, with the non threading server, as a zip file.

-- KirkBailey

Kirk, the peak oil pages are pretty far OffTopic for this wiki, and might disappear for that reason. If you want to save the material, move it here. Also, there was no need to create a new category for them - categories are generally created ex post facto to connect multiple pages on the same topic. A category containing one page has no purpose.

OK FINE, if Doctor Who articles are ok, but PeakOil is not, do what you like, it's your wiki... Personally, IMHO this is far more important than the ongoing discussion of just about anything else on this wiki, but that's just my opinion, and it's not my wiki. -- Kirk

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