Quake Three Arena

last modified: February 28, 2008

Violent game from IdSoftware. Meant mainly for network play, although it also has bots for those without friends to play against.

QuakeThreeArena ain't violent. Now, GrandTheftAutoThree, on the other hand...

When someone can write "QuakeThreeArena ain't violent", it makes me think that the videogames-are-desensitizing-people-to-violence crowd may have a point.

Q3A's violence is of the cartoonish sci-fi variety - blowing up evil alien bad guys is old hat for video games. In GTA3, you beat up hookers for their money (after soliciting their services), carjack people at stoplights, assassinate mob bosses, mow down people by driving on the sidewalk, etc. Now that's violence.

GTA3's violence is cartoonish as well. It's like the movie PulpFiction: the violence is so intense and overwhelming that one can't take it seriously. There is no question that both games are violent.

Would you consider being a soldier in a war as 'intense and overwhelming violence'?

