Pull Push Wiki

last modified: November 6, 2014

Pull (Clone) to Local, Push (Modifications, Comments, Edits , Responses, Attachments) to a personally controlled WebSite, with reference to the PulledPage. This would be a wiki of type ArtifactWiki. -- ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20100227

While thinking about how one might clone a wiki to a local machine for OffLineUse, I thought about how one could respond to or make changes viewable by others to a ReadOnlyWiki.

I think this would be possible if a LocalWikiInformationProcessor exists and is programmed to "Pull" (download) a page, or series of pages from the ReadOnlyWiki (Clone) and then post to a personally controlled FtpServer, SpecialResponseFormatFlatTextFiles. A NotificationSite on the ReadOnlyWiki could be provided to indicate that you have made a response with the time, your name, what type of response (determines how to process the flat text response), ResponseInternetLocale and FileName of the response:

This requires that the user have a space where a file can be uploaded (which would authenticate the user, by password or other means) and in which the file would be InternetReachable. This might be a person's own site, or a space provided by a commune. This PullPushWiki, would be in a sense a ReadOnlyWiki with appended commentary or processing.

This concept might be integrated into a Federated Wiki Collection Environment using ParallelProcessing Concepts and Peer-to-peer File Processing

CategoryParallelProcessing CategoryOrganization
