Moved here from top of ProposedPlopPolicies:
Although pattern languages are of wide interest, the contents of this particular page appear to be of interest to very few; it seems that either the content should be rephrased to be of general interest, or else this page should be moved to a site owned by the HillsideGroup.
DisagreeByDeleting the above paragraph without otherwise commenting? Does the Hillside Group have special status here?
- Sorry, Doug, I was just cleaning up in my role as a caretaker. I was going to put in a footnote pointing to a discussion of the issue on another page, but we overlapped in editing. I think the page is much less obscure and more relevant to present company than many other WikiPages. And, no, I don't think Hillside (however that may be defined) has any special stature here, but it would probably be good if the page reflected stakeholder input - which though an extended subset of Hillside, is smaller than WardWikidom. I don't think that's any more or less true for this page than any Wiki page. I also don't think this page is any more or less esoteric than other Wiki pages. It would be a good discussion to have. But can we move that discussion to PagesThatDontBelongHere? Thanks.
I don't know what that last sentence means, but go ahead and replace my comments with a statement of why this page doesn't resemble a WalledGarden. Thanks.
- I hope to encourage AccidentalLinking here. I can make other links more explicit (like CommunityOfTrust, PlopConference) than I have; that will make it more useful to visitors - thanks! It is of broad and direct interest to the community (see how the PatternCommunity page starts off). The number of contributors is about the same for a similar page of its age; there seem to be at least three or four, and a pointer to the page was just sent by yet a fourth or fifth to dozens of others for consideration at the next Hillside meeting. There is a precedent for this kind of thing here at Wiki already in the Oscar Nierstrasz's OopslaProgramChairPatterns.
Given that Wiki pages are open I think the concept of a WalledGarden is somewhat of a myth, anyhow. As in England where anyone can climb over the nearest stone fence and hike across open farmland (as long as they aren't destructive), I view every Wiki page as fair ground for hiking. What would you have done as an alternative to starting a focused effort in a context where the entire community can join in? I am happy to move it to a more suitable venue, but setting up a Wiki seems like overkill.