This page is a journal of best practices that program chairs trip over as they assemble the program.
They are all things I wish had been written down and given to me, and I'd like to bequeath them to my successor. I'm sure lots of you out there have opinions and experience you'd like to see captured here as patterns. I eagerly seek seasoned, first-hand program committee experience for these pages.
Opinions and improvements for the OOPSLA process ("why does it take the committee 8 months to review and approve papers, while we get only 4 months between the end of OOPSLA and next year's deadline?") might go on the EditorialPage.
Kent, I've not seen many goodies here on the WikiWikiWeb from you in a while; here's your chance...
I'm going to try to move these pages to an ACM machine if and when they make Web facilities available to me there. Let's have some fun with this. Thanks, all.
-- JimCoplien
- OopslaProgramCommitteeMembershipPatterns
- PaperSubmissionPatterns
- PaperReviewPatterns
- TwoWeeksBetweenDeadlines
- OopslaHistory
- OopslaProgramCommitteeMeeting
- AssigningPapersToReviewers
- IdentifyTheChampion