- Portland '86
- Orlando '87 -- CrcCard paper
- San Diego '88
- New Orleans '89
- Ottawa '90
- Phoenix '91
- Vancouver '92
- Washington D.C. '93 -- PLoP conference announced
- Portland '94
- Austin '95
- San Jose '96 (OopslaInSanJose)
- Atlanta '97 -- JavaUnit born on the way to Oopsla
- Vancouver '98
- Denver '99 (OopslaNinetyNine)
- Minneapolis '00 (OopslaTwoThousand)
- Tampa '01
- Seattle '02 (OopslaOhTwo)
- Anaheim '03
- Vancouver '04 (OopslaOhFour) WardCunningham -- An Invited Speaker
- San Diego '05 (OopslaOhFive) First WikiSym
- Portland '06
- Montréal '07
- Nashville '08
- 2009 OopslaZeroNine
- 2010 OopslaOneZero Oopsla becomes SPLASH
- 2011 SplashOneOne
DesignFest and CodeFest are two interesting activities included at OOPSLA.
CategoryCrcCards CategoryHistory