Oopsla History

last modified: September 24, 2011
  1. Portland '86
  2. Orlando '87 -- CrcCard paper
  3. San Diego '88
  4. New Orleans '89
  5. Ottawa '90
  6. Phoenix '91
  7. Vancouver '92
  8. Washington D.C. '93 -- PLoP conference announced
  9. Portland '94
  10. Austin '95
  11. San Jose '96 (OopslaInSanJose)
  12. Atlanta '97 -- JavaUnit born on the way to Oopsla
  13. Vancouver '98
  14. Denver '99 (OopslaNinetyNine)
  15. Minneapolis '00 (OopslaTwoThousand)
  16. Tampa '01
  17. Seattle '02 (OopslaOhTwo)
  18. Anaheim '03
  19. Vancouver '04 (OopslaOhFour) WardCunningham -- An Invited Speaker
  20. San Diego '05 (OopslaOhFive) First WikiSym
  21. Portland '06
  22. Montréal '07
  23. Nashville '08
  24. 2009 OopslaZeroNine
  25. 2010 OopslaOneZero Oopsla becomes SPLASH
  26. 2011 SplashOneOne


DesignFest and CodeFest are two interesting activities included at OOPSLA.

CategoryCrcCards CategoryHistory
