At OOPSLA 2009:
Seed Clouds, Scale and Mash, be Reliable and Agile.
Enjoyed co-located events: WikiSym, Mini-PLoP, Dynamic Language Symposium, and Onward!
Some of the greatest voices in our industry: Barbara Liskov, Jeannette Wing, Gerard Holzmann, Tom Malone, Brion Vibber, Robert Johnson and many others.
Tutorials, Workshops, Research Papers, Lightning Talks, Panels, Demos, Posters, Educators' and Trainers' Symposium, Doctoral Symposium, DesignFest®, Onward Essays, Films, etc.
Continued the tradition of contributing to our community, as we have done with: CRC cards, CLOS, design patterns, Self, the agile methodologies, service-oriented architectures, wikis, Unified Modeling Language (UML), test driven design (TDD), refactoring, Java, dynamic compilation, and aspect-oriented programming.