Design Fest
OOPSLA participants spend a day or so designing solutions to hypothetical problems and compare techniques in the process.
* -- WardCunningham's report from an early fest
FromWhere: (BrokenLink)
I have participated in DesignFests at several OOPSLA's and each time I have found it to be a rewarding experience. Each experience was different so I have found it to be worthwhile participating at each opportunity. The challenges include both technical (the domain problem) and interpersonal (adapting to the working styles of the other team members.) DesignFest is a great way to quickly expose yourslf to different approaches to designing systems. You get to collaborate with experienced object developers and maybe even a "pattern guru"! You even get to benchmark your own design practices against other peoples' to assess your strengths and weaknesses. DesignFest is also a good way to get exposed to different kinds of problems from what you are used to solving. -- Gerard Meszaros, Chief Architect, Solution Frameworks, Inc.
I think I've attended or moderated a DesignFest at every OOPSLA I've gone to. The most wonderful thing about it is that you sit next to people you would never get a chance to sit next to otherwise, and you get to expand your design outlook beyond what you encounter in your day to day work. It is easily the one of the most fun and enlightening parts of the OOPSLA experience. -- MichaelFeathers
Q: Where can I find online documentation from all the OOPSLA DesignFest's?
A: [ :-( domain is sedo parked 2012/05/14]