Here are meetings that got people working specifically on patterns.
- MondaySchool
- ArchitectureHandbookWorkshop
- GenerativePatternWorkshop
- ThornwoodWorkshop
- PlopHistory
- OopslaHistory
- JavaGroupForums
These projects were guided to some degree by patterns.
Here are projects in which someone got an important pattern for the first time.
Writing about patterns is important too. These are things said about patterns.
Last but not least there are projects that write patterns.
- ArcusProject
- OrganizationPatternsEditorialProject
- SystemsReengineeringPatternsProject
- ComponentDesignPatternsProject
- PedagogicalPattern Project
- ElementaryPattern Project
- SecurityPatterns Project
- JtPatternFramework Project
- ComponentDesignPatterns Project
Questions about Projects:
What projects are presently active
- ComponentDesignPatternsProject
- PedagogicalPattern Project
- PagesToCategorize Project
- present status: the project has generated minimal involvement, and will probably be abandoned
- RequestForHelpWithExperiment
- present status: entering phaseIII in a few days
What projects have been completed
- 1997 -- ArcusProject
- 2003 -- SystemsReengineeringPatternsProject
What projects have been cancelled
Are projects using patterns producing benefits over and above those which do not?
Is this a field which has been abandoned in favor of other technologies?
Could the theme of Projects be used to incorporate promising contributions formerly classified as WalledGardens, by including clear statements on a ProjectGoal, an IndexPage, a ProjectChampion, and other such facilitators?