Curzon Interview

last modified: October 18, 2003

RichardCurzon interviewed WardCunningham and KentBeck by mail for an article in the Delphi Informant.

(Delphi Informant is a new magazine, related to Data Based Informer and Paradox Informer. I think the first issue is supposed to be May/95. It is focused on Borland's new Pascal-based Windows development platform called DelphiLanguage.)

Well, the repository is my attempt at a press kit. Be sure to read

Lots of people have read Alexander's books and the books have resonated for them. But they weren't writing patterns. A lot of what I've done has been focused at making it OK for people to give it a try.

Methods and tools and even languages are just a means to the end. Objects that do a job -- that's the end. That's what patterns talk about. It's important to get people to think and write about the end product of design, not just the process of design.

Patterns are about doing the routine things well enough. If we can get past reinventing what we already know then we can get on to the really great stuff.

We may have to find something Alexander missed. I'm impressed with the internet's ability to form specialized communities -- that may help. Then again, we may have a simpler task with less of "the quality" to preserve.

I have a table of contents. It's more about how to make progress when you are beyond patterns. Don't wait. Get the PLoP book, which will be out this spring.

Patterns seem to travel well. That's why experience with one language helps you with another. Of course, each camp will have its favorites. I'd expect the Delphi/Pascal programmer to draw from everywhere.

DesignPatterns by Gamma, et. al. is very important. It's fundamental. Some people have told me they don't find much there; others have said it's way beyond their ability. We should all get it, get through it, and get on to putting it to work.

I've tried hard to cross levels. I specifically chose my subject, checks for bad input, because at first glance it seems so dull. It's actually only dull when the problem is insoluble, as it is when you try to solve it at one level.

I don't think there is a disagreement. It's probably just an issue of scope for a particular discussion.

All good stuff. Kent's patterns created some heated discussion on the net. Your readers should be reminded that if their experience differs markedly from Kent's, then we would all benefit if they cast it as patterns and shared it through the channels we've opened.

Yes, you've made me think too. So, will I be able to put a draft of your article in the Portland Pattern Repository?

Best regards -- Ward

