- I'm JustaProgrammer.
- I hack components at http://xplc.sourceforge.net/
- I hack games at http://github.com/quadra-game/
- I complain at http://advogato.org/person/pphaneuf/
- I work at http://google.com/
- I used to work at http://seanodes.com/, http://nit.ca/ (making me an AlumNit: http://alumnit.ca/), and http://cray.com/
I am currently working on the CrossPlatformLightweightComponents system, something similar to ComponentObjectModel and XpCom, but relying more on DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork. See more at http://xplc.sourceforge.net/ (yes, it is OpenSource).
We (the Ludus Design people) released the source code to Quadra under an OpenSource license. See http://quadra.sourceforge.net/
List of interesting WikiPages (list of bookmarks):
- QuickChanges (http://c2.com/cgi/quickChanges?days=1)
- MontrealXpUsersGroup
- DatingIsHarderThanProgramming
- FixmeComment
- EmacsRules
- GreatEmacsFeatures
- LayeredComponentFramework
- MakeIt
- MostGamesProgrammersDontGrokObjectOrientation
- ExtremeProgrammingForGames
- RecursiveMakeConsideredHarmful
- DnaVsOo
- GnuMake
- AvoidThreadsForOptimizations
- TestingFramework
- UnitTests (the content has been moved to UnitTest)
- OneMinuteWiki
- TipsFromWardCunningham
- MyersBriggs
Interesting people pages:
- PeterDeutsch
- WardCunningham
- SamGentle
- MitchellModel
- MichaelFeathers
- AlistairCockburn
- CanisLupus
- EddieEdwards